Http server
- Client
- Uses operations to communicate with the server via TCP
- Informs the server about status changes (canUndo / canRedo / mode ... changed)
- Transforms all changes on the Territory into deltas which are sent to the server
- Registers a RemoteInputListener and subscribes for new input messages
- Server
- Provides a HTTP api
- Supports connections to n clients
- UI clients can ask for the current state and new deltas
- The connection to the client is kept alive as long as http requests arrive
- Is terminated if all connections to clients are terminated
- SimpleHamsterGame starts creates a client (and starts the server if necessary) if the OUTPUT_INTERFACE environmental variable is set to HTTP
Breaking changes
- None
Possible future additions
- Event sourcing for deltas
- WebSocket Api
- Use of java records (currently, record classes are still a preview feature, but this probably changes in the future)